Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu's Silent Is Really Giving Us Sleepless Night, Who Knows What He's Planning This Time - Nigerian Govt. Jittering
Retreating is rarely viewed as a good thing, but by extracting from hopeless situations of Army invasion of Nnamdi Kanu's Royal Palace, Nnamdi Kanu have saved many Biafrans including the BSS from destruction and lived to fight another day. His tactical dissappearance have turned into a partial victory.
Nnamdi kanu have proven to the Nigerian government and International Communities that he have no outstanding Army or in possession of any sophisticated weapons sequence to insuations and accusations of wanting to commit felony to wit.
The provocative invasion of Kanu's Home and an attempted assasination of his life by army is due enough to cause havoc, tension, and even possibly a repriesal attacks against Nigerian Army. But yet Nnamdi Kanu avoided all of these, choses to remain peaceful , following the standard principles set aside by the U.N to the indigeneous people seeking for the freedom.
Notewithstanding, President Muhammadu Buhari the chief commander of the armed forces instead of finding a lasting solution to the issues of Boko Haram terrorizing the North East, devise on using state resources to prosecute personal war against Nnamdi Kanu even to an extent of redeploying troops Fighting Boko haram to fight against IPOB.
Since IPOB started their agitations, they had never thoughts of picking arms to fight against the government but rather embarks on numerous peaceful protest which its end always turns out bloody by extrajudicial killings of I.P.O.B members by Nigerian Army.Declaring IPOB a terrorist group is an act of declaring a religious and ethnic war in S.E/S.S regional territory.
We should pause and ask ourselves this questions "why is Nigerian Government Protecting Bokoharam Members By Offering Them A Secret Amnesty Programme? Why do Nigerian Government refuses to declare Fulani Herdsmen Militia A Terrorist Organization? And Finally Why The Hurry To Assasinate Nnamdi Kanu Using Nigerian Army And Equating IPOB as a terrorist group? Nigerian government may have declare a war against Christains in the South East using IPOB and NNAMDI KANU as a camouflage yet this is a call of responsiblity we must take upon ourselves irrespective of individual differences before the entire christaindom in Biafraland is wiped-out.
Invasion of IPOB leader's residence by Nigerian Army is a miscalculated attempt to Nigerian Government and a partial victory for IPOB whom by now have earned a mark as a peaceful group and the most marginalized people in the world
The federal govt is currently at a loss now in how to tackle him and bring him down, since their first attempt failed woefully, and they are really not happy about it.All attempt to find his whereabout and what he is planning has proved abortive,even mr ikpeazu has promised 3million each to anybody that provides information about his whereabout.This is how desperate they have become
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