This is why History is removed from Nigeria school curriculum.Nigeria is ashamed of her past.The Youths has got the message and goingforward,the Biafra fire can no longer be quench.Read the BNYL resolution below
Today, the 12th April 2016,We the Biafra Nations Youth League drawn from across the various ethnics, regions and Social groups of Biafra extraction and origin met in the ancient City of Ikom to discuss on the future of our Nation and the advancement for all inhabitants of the Bight of Biafra.
“Biafra Nations Youth Resolution”
The National Congress Observations are as follows:
1. That on the 30th July 1849, Britain under the
authority of British consuls in the neighbouring
Bight of Benin established a protectorate over
the Bight of Biafra which became a united British
protectorate and was later named oil Rivers protectorate in 1885.
2. That it was for economic interest that
part of the Bight of Biafra was merged with
part of the Bight of Benin to form
Southern Protectorate of Nigeria and later
Protectorate of Northern Nigeria was
incorporated to form the artificial Country called
3. That some inhabitants of the Bight of Biafra lost
their natural identity while some where forced to
relinquish their Biafra indigenous identity after which they were
forcefully merged with non Biafrans to form artificial nation.
4. That Nigeria Government in collaboration with the British
Government opted for economic blockade of Biafra by negotiating with
Cameroon over Bakassi Peninsula, in the process, Bakassi was ceded to
Cameroon without plebiscites and due consultation
in other that the blockade would be effective.
5. That it was after the Biafra-Nigeria war that the Bight of
Biafra was renamed to “Bight of Bonny” by Nigerian Government with the
sole aim of whipping the name from historical record.
6. WHEREAS a resolution was
passed by the People of Former
Eastern Nigeria on the 30 of May
1967, to restore full Independence
and Sovereignty to Biafra;
WE therefore assume the
responsibility of laying the
foundations of the
Biafra Nations Youth League.
We hereby make known our Resolution with regards to the first and
second Congress held on 20th February 2016, in Uyo Akwa Ibom State with delegates from Liberation Governing Council of
former British Southern Cameroons and Ikom respectively to be known
and called ‘Akwacross Declaration’.
Today the inhabitants of the Bight of Biafra are administered
by foreign powers so-called Nigeria and Cameroon, this as a
consequence of the Treated by colonial powers where the Biafran People
where never consulted about their rule.
The first treaty was the Berlin Conference Treaty of 1885 and the
second the treaty of 1913 between Germany and Britain.
These European countries sat together and shared Africa like personal property.
African Nations, States and Tribes were torn apart, close kin found
themselves under different administrations. Incompatible tribes became
forced to live under one new artificial country or administrative
In this colonial drama, some tribes were split between the present
Cross River state of Nigeria and the South West and North West
Province of Cameroon.
There are other examples of African tribes who were cut into parts
between various neighbouring countries.
In the 1960s as the colonial masters began to grant independence to
their former colonies, some Africans raised the issue of reverting the
colonial order
and redesigning the African continent and its countries to respect the
rights of the people, their tribes and heritage.
The acceptance of this proposal would have enabled the African
continent to reject all colonial treaties and boundaries since these
treaties neglected fundamental elements of African life and heritage.
These treaties were like robbery.
These treaties did not consider the rights of the people to decide for
A reversal of these treaties and artificial boundaries would have
enabled the African continent and countries to stand on her real
foundation, namely thetribes.
This reversal would have led to the creation of a new Africa, built on the
will of the people and not on colonial treaties, a new Africa built on the real
Identity of the People rather than on artificial and unjust European
Colonial boundaries.
This opportunity of the entire African continent rising up and questioning
colonialism, its treaties, boundaries and legacies were painfully lost when the
incompetent and make believe Nigerian government pressed on the
Organisation of African Unity to declare at the wake of the Biafran
crisis that all colonial treaties and boundaries must (ought to) be
By this declaration the OAU and the failed Nigerian government
officially gave legitimacy to the Criminal Act of Colonisation, its
effects and features.
Though this declaration gave the Nigerian government a temporary victory by
undercutting Biafra’s quest for Independence, unknowingly however, it
shot itself on the leg by being part of that OAU declaration.
By ratifying the OAU declaration, the artificial state of Nigeria has
lost the moral right to question the 1913 Anglo-German treaty.
Certainly, the 1913 treaty is one of those colonial treaties and its
boundary delineation is one of those colonial boundaries that ought to
be respected.
The artificial state of Nigeria managed to frustrate the Biafran
independence, with dubious support by some unscrupulous politicians
and financial interest in England.
Momentarily, Biafran independence was halted. Its Government and
People were humiliated.
Millions of innocent Biafrans died.
Nigeria rejoiced. Biafra wept!
However, the end of the day is not the end of the story.
While the 1913 treaty was an agreement between colonial countries on
the administration of their territories, the acceptance by Nigeria and
the OAU that all colonial treaties and boundaries should remain
sacrosanct was in view of defeating Biafra.
The 1971 and 1975 accords with Cameroon had the defeat of Biafra as
its main inspiration.
Taking these two positions into consideration, it becomes difficult
therefore, to overlook the issue of the ghost of Biafra in the
discussions concerning the loss of Bakassi Peninsula.
The People of Biafra claim for their right to self governance, and all
Biafran of birth knows this. It is time that the artificial Nigerian
State make provisions and let the People and the Biafra Nation to
implement its long awaited Sovereignty as we have resolved to remain
loyal and submissive to Biafra.
The Statement of policy.
The Biafra Nations Youth League is the symbol and embodiment of Biafra
will, to present a united national front against all forms of
In response to the demands of the times, Biafra Nations Youth League is:
The formation of the Youth
League is an answer and assurance to the
critics of the national movement that Biafra
Youth will not allow the struggles and
sacrifices of their fathers to have been in vain.
Our fathers fought so that we, better
equipped when our time came, should start
and continue from where they stopped.
The formation of this League is an attempt
on the part of Youth to impart to Biafra a
truly national character.
It is also a protest against the lack of
discipline and the absence of a clearly –
defined goal in the movement as a whole.
The Youth League must be
the brains-trust and power-station of the
spirit of Biafran Nationalism; the Spirit of
Africa self-determination; the spirit that is
so discernible in the thinking of our Youth.
The Youth League will continue to pilot the affairs of Biafra National
Youth in the interest of all Biafrans,
At this power-station the league will be a
coordinating agency for all youthful forces
employed in rousing popular political
consciousness and fighting oppression and reaction.
It will educate the people politically by
concentrating its energies on the Biafra
home front to make all sections of our
people Congress minded and nation-
Circumstances call upon Biafra Nations
Youth to make the League specialize in
championing the cause of Biafra; and to
serve this end best, the League will sponsor
a political bloc, within the national
This will be the wing of the Youth League
entrusted with the duty of organizing Youth.
Our Creed
We believe in the divine destiny of nations.
believe that the national liberation of
Africans will be achieved by Africans themselves.
We reject foreign Intervention in Africa, and
specially that from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar,
Yemen, Oman, UAE, Sudan, Pakistan,
Indonesia, Afghanistan, Turkey and all Arab
and all Countries under the detriment of
Islamic Rule, we also reject dictatorial
regimes and communist ideas and thus we
reject any interference from Russia,
Communist Cuba, North Korea. We may
borrow useful ideologies from foreign
ideologies, but we reject the wholesale
importation of foreign ideologies into Africa
such as Communism and Totalitarianism.
We believe that leadership must be the
personification and symbol of popular
aspirations and ideals.
We believe in the scientific approach to all
African problems.
We combat moral disintegration among
Biafrans by maintaining and upholding high ethical standards ourselves.
We express strong solidarity and sympathize with our people the
internally displaced Bakassi natives whose land, Bakassi Peninsula was
ceded to La Republic du Cameroun by Nigeria Government without
plebiscites, with the purpose of frustrating independence of Biafra.
We extend hand of friendship and cooperation to the people of former
British Southern Cameroons administered alongside former Eastern Nigeria under
the National Council for Nigeria and Cameroon whose land was annexed
and subjugated by La Republic du Cameroun.
We further more appeal to those Biafran politicians who are in the
mist of the Nigerian Administration play not with the National
Interests of Biafra and its Natural Aspirations. But help and assist
as a good Biafran Patriot would, support at each and every corner the
interests and the aspirations of the Biafran Nation and the Biafran
Drafted by Congress Committee and delivered by
Comrade Prince Chimezie Obuka in Ikom, Cross River State
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