Few hours after they sent their of impending reprisal attack, Fulani Herdsmen attacks Southern Kaduna again.
Very disturbing report just reaching our Newsroom indicates that there is an ongoing deadly attack by Fulani Herdsmen in Gonin Gora, a predominantly Christian suburb in Southern Kaduna.
A victim sent in the following SOS:
“My family are based in Gonin Gora…. They had escaped from our house to somewhere for cover and a call was placed to me from my mother…”
Please security agents take note.
We ‘ll keep a very close eye on the development and bring you updates as event unfold.
BVNO wrote:
Christianity is under attack from Islam and their followers. These attacks are coming under different forms such as physical massacres of christian dominated areas under the watch of the Government who sworn to protect ALL Nigerians but are consciously or unconsciously providing tact’s to the attackers and not DOING anything to stop it except talk.
Secondly, the forces bent and committed on the spread of sharia all over Nigeria have unleashed their attack agents on Christianity for several years now, they try and persuade us that Christianity is Fake, that Jesus is fake in a bid to make believers lose faith in him that called us.
Some of this Islamic agents are hiding under the guise of Christianity to commit several atrocities and attacking the church from within in a bid to discredit Christianity and caste doubt in the heart and minds of Christians.
They have also found and financed some willing tools who have called themselves while claiming God called them and these set of people commit crimes while hiding under Christianity and when caught, they use it to attack Christianity while turning a blind eyes to the numerous conflicts that their peaceful religion has brought upon the world.
When they look at all these efforts and it’s not having much effect as they expected, they resort to physically attacking minority Christians in a bid to forcefully take over their lands and soon they will come for the Majority because they have already started testing the ground for the invasion.
God has spoken and said “For I will cause them to turn their swords against each other, and they shall know that I and only I is God”
Self defense is a basic human right, I urge the people of southern kaduna to defend themselves from the invading marauders and islamic terrorists hiding under the name “herdsmen” since the govt has failed to protect them thereby providing tact support to the terrorist whether intentional or unintentional.
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