Just In: US President, Trump condoles with Biafrans over IPOB solidarity rally massacre
The President of United States of America condoles with the people of Biafra over the massacre in Porthacourt that claimed over 20 lives on his inauguration day. The Indigenous People of Biafra had converged for a rally in solidarity with him but came under State sponsored terrorist attack; where live bullets and all sorts of offensive weapons were used against them even in a situation they are unarmed and peaceful.
Since the massacre occurred; Donald Trump has not officially condemned the act (Until last week) but is very much aware of the State sponsored terrorism as almost every international media floated the news. The news of the massacre was not floated by CNN; a move tagged concealing Donald Trump’s factor around the world. Some analysts have argued that officially meddling into Biafra is needed even though he is working behind the scene but Oblang played down the relevance of official positions “He is aware that Biafrans are aspiring for self-determination and he invited them to his inauguration; that is serious” Aneke Oblang; a social analyst said.
Donald Trump extended invitation to the people of Biafra to be represented in his inauguration; a move seen as crowning the efforts made by Biafrans to ensure he emerged victorious. The invitation which came through Candy Stallworth was confirmed afterwards and IPOB eastern USA coordinator officially attended the inauguration. Aside the people of Biafra living in United States of America voting him; social media played a significant role which Biafrans were instrumental to. Indigenous People of Biafra broke record of being the first group to have up to one million active group members on Facebook. While Biafrans promoted and circulated pro-Trump news and tweets from him; truth was able to saturate America.
Prior to the Trump solidarity rally organized by Biafrans; awareness was sufficiently created which captured the attention of Donald Trump and international main stream media. Nigeria was focused on and on 20th of January; their culture of killing could not be averted. Since after the massacre; Indigenous People of Biafra have sustained a twitter campaign to alert the world by virtue of videos and pictures with corresponding articles. In what appeared like a success of the campaign; Donald Trump has shown his sympathy and noted that he is aware of the massacre.
who is the link figure between Trump and the people of Biafra; she disclosed that Donald Trump condemned the massacre of Biafrans and condoles with the people of Biafra who came out on his inauguration day in solidarity with him. Her message reads “Trump has acknowledged us today; Trump stating that US has hidden terrorists attacks on US soil and internationally. He also stated that he is aware of terrorist attack on Biafrans during his inauguration and gives his condolence. Wow we thank you Trump”
Trump might have cited the inability of CNN; a major news syndicate based in US to giving the State sponsored terrorist attack against the people of Biafra full broadcast or documentation. Trump is known for his determination to fighting terror around the world and the case of Biafra is no exception. Candy Stallworth has played a major role in making sure that US addresses Christian- Biafra agitation for self-rule hence their lives are not guaranteed in Nigeria. She is also a US based Biafra activist and played major role in the election of Trump. She is politically connected and has vowed that Trump’s administration will address Biafra issue because Trump is allergic to intimidation of Christians and terrorism against the people of the world which Biafrans experience every day.
Editor: Chinwe Korie
Chinwe could be reached via;
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Email: ckorie17@gmail.com
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